Below is the full list of 'Early Years and KS1' sessions that we will be running over the course of our two-day virtual festival.
Click on the strand links below to extend the accordion and view session summaries.
Day 1 |
9:00am - KEYNOTE: Creating an EdTech strategy in times of change
9:00am - KEYNOTE: Creating an EdTech strategy in times of change
Session summary coming soon
9:50am - Making remote teaching work in the Early Years - Katherine Wilson & Rebecca Scrace, Teachers, Danesfield
9:50am - Making remote teaching work in the Early Years - Katherine Wilson & Rebecca Scrace, Teachers, Danesfield
Katherine Wilson & Rebecca Scrace, Teachers, Danesfield
Session summary coming soon
10:45am - Analysis, tracking and setup of tapestry - Giles Hill, Digital Learning Lead, Aspire Academy Trust
10:45am - Analysis, tracking and setup of tapestry - Giles Hill, Digital Learning Lead, Aspire Academy Trust
Giles Hill, Digital Learning Lead, Aspire Academy Trust
Beginning with a brief presentation on the major updates and intricacies of using Tapestry in remote learning circumstances, leading into Q+As across the whole system including classroom app usage. If you are new to online learning journeys; are finalising and distributing your current year’s work; are thinking about enrolment of new children / relatives and setting up for September; or simply have nagging questions that need answers – come along and pitch into this informal and friendly session.
11:30 - KEYNOTE: Before and Beyond Remote Learning Chris Rothwell, Director of Education, Microsoft UK
11:30 - KEYNOTE: Before and Beyond Remote Learning Chris Rothwell, Director of Education, Microsoft UK
Chris will be talking about what schools were doing with technology before Covid and what the opportunities and requirements are now as we emerge from the other side.
1:00pm Engaging parents with the effective use of Evidence Me - Tonia Dudley and Lucy Runham, Teacher, Cornerstone and Regional CPD Manager, 2Simple
1:00pm Engaging parents with the effective use of Evidence Me - Tonia Dudley and Lucy Runham, Teacher, Cornerstone and Regional CPD Manager, 2Simple
Tonia Dudley and Lucy Runham, Teacher, Cornerstone and Regional CPD Manager, 2Simple
This session will provide an overview of the ‘Evidence Me’ product, exploring how it can be used across the primary age group to record observations, track progress and share learning between school and home. We’ll include how to use new features to blur faces in photographs, add mark-up to work and share documents and weblinks between users. Teachers at Broadclyst Primary will share how they have used Evidence Me to strengthen home-school links, assess progress and inform future planning.
1:45pm - Online resources for teaching phonics both at home and school - Vicky Kennard and Lucy Lees, Literacy Specialists, Cornerstone
1:45pm - Online resources for teaching phonics both at home and school - Vicky Kennard and Lucy Lees, Literacy Specialists, Cornerstone
Understanding how using a range of digital tools can enhance Phonics teaching is both essential to 21st Century learning and navigating the uncertainties of the current educational climate. We will look at the requirements of a teacher in leading an effective synthetic phonics system and how this can be supported through the virtual delivery of lessons. We will consider the role of expert reading leaders in supporting their team through virtual CPD and digital assessment tracking, as well as the challenges around closing the word gap. Q+A session to follow the presentation.
2:30pm - Digital baseline assessment for Reception class - Tonia Dudley, Early Years Phase Leader, Cornerstone
2:30pm - Digital baseline assessment for Reception class - Tonia Dudley, Early Years Phase Leader, Cornerstone
This session will provide an overview of the ‘Evidence Me’ product, exploring how it can be used across the primary age group to record observations, track progress and share learning between school and home. We’ll include how to use new features to blur faces in photographs, add mark-up to work and share documents and weblinks between users. We will share how Cornerstone Academy has used Evidence Me to strengthen home-school links, assess progress and inform future planning.
3:15pm - KEYNOTE: Anthony Salcito - VP Worldwide Education, Microsoft
3:15pm - KEYNOTE: Anthony Salcito - VP Worldwide Education, Microsoft
Session summary coming soon
Day 2 |
9:00am - PANEL DISCUSSION: Lessons learnt from lockdown
9:00am - PANEL DISCUSSION: Lessons learnt from lockdown
Chaired by Ty Goddard, EdTech Demonstrator Programme
More information coming soon
9:50am - Serialising stories to support the teaching of reading - Vicky Kennard, Sarah Gomersall and Katie Hopkins, Teachers, Cornerstone, 2Simple
9:50am - Serialising stories to support the teaching of reading - Vicky Kennard, Sarah Gomersall and Katie Hopkins, Teachers, Cornerstone, 2Simple
In this session, join a group of year 1 children as they continue their journey of reading serialised stories online using Purple Mash. We will be reviewing previous chapters read and making some predictions for what might happen in the next instalment of the story. Additionally, children will be discussing new vocabulary in terms of spelling and definitions. We will round off the session with a group read where children can practise reading the new words and have a go at using expression in our reading. Finally, we will talk about our favourite parts of today’s chapter before taking the comprehension quiz available.
10:45am - Teaching KS1 pupils to programme and dubug - Beth Schoter, Teacher, Cornerstone
10:45am - Teaching KS1 pupils to programme and dubug - Beth Schoter, Teacher, Cornerstone
Beth Schoter, Teacher, Cornerstone
11:30am - KEYNOTE: John Laramy - Principal and Chief Executive, Exeter College
11:30am - KEYNOTE: John Laramy - Principal and Chief Executive, Exeter College
Session summary coming soon
1:00pm - Developing story telling through use of presentation apps - Abi Copley, Teacher, Cornerstone
1:00pm - Developing story telling through use of presentation apps - Abi Copley, Teacher, Cornerstone
Reading is an essential part of all children’s progression. Storytelling widens a child’s vocabulary, and a wide vocabulary is decisive in becoming a confident reader. The session will focus on the importance of storytelling and how to make this engaging for children in a Virtual world.
1:45pm - LIVE LESSON WORKSHOP: Year 2 - Writing our own song using digital tools - Abigail Fleming, Teacher, Cornerstone
1:45pm - LIVE LESSON WORKSHOP: Year 2 - Writing our own song using digital tools - Abigail Fleming, Teacher, Cornerstone
In this session, join a group of Year 2 children as they continue to develop their understanding of melody and composition using online resources. We will be singing a song about friendship before using Slido to collaboratively come up with ideas on what makes a good friend. Additionally, the children will learn about pitch and ascending and descending melody. They will then use this learning to compose a melody. We will have a go at writing lyrics about friendships using our responses from earlier in the lesson. Finally, we will perform our lyrics alongside the melodic compositions.
2:30pm - Teaching strategies for developing deeper learning and critical thinking skills - Vicky Kennard, Phase Leader, Cornerstone
2:30pm - Teaching strategies for developing deeper learning and critical thinking skills - Vicky Kennard, Phase Leader, Cornerstone
Session summary coming soon
3:15pm - KEYNOTE: Education Re-Imagined: What Matters Most - Mark Sparvell, Microsoft
3:15pm - KEYNOTE: Education Re-Imagined: What Matters Most - Mark Sparvell, Microsoft
Mark Sparvell - Education Leader, Microsoft
Session: Education Re-Imagined: What Matters Most
In this hilarious closing keynote Australian award winning education leader, Mark Sparvell, from Microsoft Worldwide will draw from hot-of-the-press research to examine the now, the near and the next for education and the role technology can play in humanizing and not simply digitizing the experience.